- Arduino API
- Arduino UNO R3
- STM32F103C8T6 Bule Pill
- ESP32-DevKitC
- MicroPython API
- STM32Cube(待补充)
Arduino API
Arduino UNO R3
Analog Input to PWM LED Brightness Control
This code reads the analog value from an analog input (e.g., a potentiometer) connected to pin A5
and converts it to a PWM signal that controls the brightness of an LED connected to pin 11.
- Analog input (e.g., potentiometer) connected to A5.
- One side of the potentiometer connected to 5V, the other side connected to GND.
- Middle pin of the potentiometer connected to A5 (analog input).
- LED connected to pin 11 through a 220Ω resistor.
+5V ----[Potentiometer]---- GND
A5 (Analog input)
Arduino LED
----------- -----
| | | |
| 13 --|----|>|---+---- GND
| (PWM Pin) | (Anode) (Cathode)
| |
The analog input (A5) reads the voltage from the potentiometer and converts it into a brightness value for the LED using PWM.
created 2024
by Liang
void setup() {
// Initialize serial communication at 9600 baud to send data to the Serial Monitor
// Set pin 11 as an output for controlling the brightness of the LED
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// Read the analog input value from the potentiometer connected to pin A5
// The analogRead() function returns a value between 0 and 1023
int analogInputVal = analogRead(A5);
// Map the analog input value (0-1023) to a PWM value (0-255)
// This allows us to control the brightness of the LED using analogWrite() on pin 11
int brightness = map(analogInputVal, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
// Print the raw analog input value to the Serial Monitor for debugging
Serial.print("Analog Input Value: ");
// Print the mapped brightness value to the Serial Monitor for debugging
Serial.print("LED Brightness Value: ");
// Set the brightness of the LED by writing the mapped PWM value to pin 11
analogWrite(13, brightness);
STM32F103C8T6 Bule Pill
STM32F103C8T6 (Blue Pill) ADC with PWM LED Control
This code reads the analog value from a potentiometer or analog sensor connected to PA0 (A0)
and converts it to a PWM signal that controls the brightness of an LED connected to PB1 using PWM.
- Analog input (e.g., potentiometer) connected to PA0 (A0).
- One side of the potentiometer connected to 3.3V, the other side connected to GND.
- Middle pin of the potentiometer connected to PA0 (A0).
- LED connected to PB1 through a 220Ω resistor.
+3.3V ----[Potentiometer]---- GND
PA0 (Analog input)
----------- -----
| | | |
| PB1 ---|---|>|---+---- GND
| (PWM Pin) | (Anode) (Cathode)
| |
The analog input from PA0 (A0) is read, and its value is mapped to control the brightness of an LED using PWM on PB1.
created 2024
by Liang
const int potPin = PA0; // Potentiometer connected to PA0 (A0) for ADC
const int ledPin = PB1; // LED connected to PB1 (PWM-capable pin)
void setup() {
// Initialize serial communication for debugging
// Configure the LED pin as an output
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// Read the analog input from PA0 (12-bit resolution, values between 0 and 4095)
int analogInputVal = analogRead(potPin);
// Map the analog input (0-4095) to the PWM range (0-255)
int brightness = map(analogInputVal, 0, 4095, 0, 255);
// Print the raw analog input value to the Serial Monitor for debugging
Serial.print("Analog Input Value: ");
// Print the mapped brightness value to the Serial Monitor for debugging
Serial.print("LED Brightness Value: ");
// Write the mapped brightness to the LED using PWM on PB1
analogWrite(ledPin, brightness); // analogWrite() works with PWM on STM32duino
ESP32 ADC with PWM LED Control
This code reads the analog value from a potentiometer or analog sensor connected to GPIO32 (ADC1_4) on the ESP32 and
converts it into a PWM signal that controls the brightness of an LED connected to GPIO15 using PWM.
- Analog input (e.g., potentiometer) connected to GPIO32 (ADC1_4).
- One side of the potentiometer connected to 3.3V, the other side connected to GND.
- Middle pin of the potentiometer connected to GPIO32.
- LED connected to GPIO15 through a 220Ω resistor.
+3.3V ----[Potentiometer]---- GND
GPIO32 (ADC input)
----------- -----
| | | |
| 15 ---|---|>|---+---- GND
| (PWM Pin) | (Anode) (Cathode)
| |
The analog input from GPIO32 is read, and its value is mapped to control the brightness of an LED using PWM on GPIO15.
created 2024
by Liang
const int potPin = 32; // Potentiometer connected to GPIO32 (ADC1_4)
const int ledPin = 15; // LED connected to GPIO15 (PWM-capable pin)
void setup() {
// Initialize serial communication for debugging
// Configure the LED pin as an output
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
// Read the analog input from GPIO32 (12-bit resolution, values between 0 and 4095)
int analogInputVal = analogRead(potPin);
// Map the analog input (0-4095) to the PWM range (0-255)
int brightness = map(analogInputVal, 0, 4095, 0, 255);
// Print the raw analog input value to the Serial Monitor for debugging
Serial.print("Analog Input Value: ");
// Print the mapped brightness value to the Serial Monitor for debugging
Serial.print("LED Brightness Value: ");
// Write the mapped brightness to the LED using PWM on GPIO15
ledcWrite(0, brightness); // PWM on channel 0 with brightness value
MicroPython API
模拟输入控制PWM LED亮度
- 模拟输入(例如电位器)连接到A5(对应ESP32的34号引脚)。电位器一端接5V,另一端接地,中间引脚连接到A5作为模拟输入。
- LED通过一个220Ω电阻连接到引脚13。
+5V ----[Potentiometer]---- GND
A5 (Analog input,对应ESP32的34号引脚)
----------- -----
| | | |
| 13 --|----|>|---+---- GND
| (PWM Pin) | (Anode) (Cathode)
| |
from machine import Pin, ADC, PWM
import time
# 初始化模拟输入引脚对应的ADC对象,在ESP32中A5对应的引脚编号为34
adc = ADC(Pin(34))
# 设置模拟输入引脚的衰减,使得能够正确读取电位器的输入范围,这里设置为11dB衰减,适合0-3.3V输入范围
# 初始化PWM对象,用于控制LED亮度,引脚为13
pwm_led = PWM(Pin(13))
# 设置PWM的频率,这里设置为1000Hz,可根据实际情况调整
while True:
1. 读取电位器连接引脚(A5对应的34号引脚)的模拟输入值。
2. 将模拟输入值映射到合适的PWM占空比值范围,以控制LED亮度。
3. 输出调试信息,展示模拟输入值和对应的亮度值。
4. 根据计算出的亮度值设置LED的PWM占空比来改变亮度。
5. 适当延时,避免过于频繁操作。
# 读取电位器连接引脚(A5对应的34号引脚)的模拟输入值
# read()函数返回的值范围是0 - 4095(ESP32的ADC精度是12位)
analog_input_value =
# 将模拟输入值(范围0 - 4095)映射到PWM占空比值(范围0 - 1023),以便控制LED亮度
# 这里通过简单的线性映射来转换范围,与Arduino中map函数功能类似
brightness_value = int(analog_input_value / 4095 * 1023)
# 打印原始模拟输入值到终端用于调试(可以通过串口工具查看输出)
print("Analog Input Value:", analog_input_value)
# 打印映射后的亮度值到终端用于调试
print("LED Brightness Value:", brightness_value)
# 设置LED的亮度,通过写入映射后的PWM占空比值到引脚13
# 适当延时,避免过于频繁读取和更新,这里延时100毫秒,可以根据实际情况调整